New to Saint John

Top 5 Things that are New to St. John This last year has been nothing short of interesting with the Hurricanes from last September, but one sliver of silver lining is that there are new things popping up all over the islands.  It’s turning into a bit of a...

The New Willy T

The new Willy T arrived and opened a few weeks ago and it’s really nice and a bit larger too! There are two bathrooms, nice clean floors, a big bar and a very similar layout to the previous version but with an easier spot to jump off of.  The menu for lunch is...

Continue Helping St. John

5 Ways to continue Helping St. John in our Hurricane Recovery and Beyond It’s been just about ten months since Hurricane Irma hit St. John and the island has truly come leaps and bounds since then.  The streets in Cruz Bay are currently filled with tourists and...